Drying Oven Laboratorium

Oven laboratorium Drying adalah alat yang digunakan untuk memanaskan, mengeringkan, atau mempertahankan suhu bahan atau sampel di dalam ruang tertutup. Drying Oven laboratorium biasanya memiliki rentang suhu yang luas, mulai dari suhu kamar hingga beberapa ratus derajat Celcius. Oven laboratorium juga memiliki sistem pengaturan suhu yang akurat dan stabil, serta Read more…

MMM : Oven Venticell

mmm Venticell
MMM : Oven Venticell

Accurate and quick; alternative model meeting higher demands

The line VENTICELL, due to its patented system of forced air circulation, ensures a homogenous temperature profile for all drying and heating processes. A higher quickness and preciseness of all tempering processes guarantee an economical operation. These units are suitable especially for materials with high humidity. (lebih…)

MMM : Oven Ecocell 55R

MMM Oven Ecocell 55R Convincingly cost saving laboratory dryer 55-liter chamber volume Working temperature of from +5°C over ambient temperature up to 250°C Natural fine air flow in the chamber, noiseless operation High-quality and safe drying, heating and tempering of common laboratory materials in laboratories and industry High operation comfort, Read more…