Biocotek (China) : Centrifuce TDL-80-2B

Centrifuge China 80-2B

Deskripsi produk :
Kami Jual Centrifuge China TDL-80-2B untuk memberikan pilihan dan alternatif belanja alat laboratorium centrifuge bagi para customer.
Seri TDL-80-2B ini memiliki kelebihan cubage yang kecil, berat badan yang ringan, berkapasitas besar, mempunyai tingkat kebisingan yang rendah dan tentu dengan harga terjangkau serta bergaransi dari distributor. Bingkai terbuat dari plastik berkekuatan tinggi. Sehingga hal ini dapat dengan mudah (lebih…)

KNF : LABOPORT Mini Diaphragm Vacuum Pumps

KNF : Laboport Vacuum Pump

Series N 816.3 diaphragm pumps are double-head, dry-running devices used in a wide range of laboratory applications.
They transfer and pump down without contamination.
The heart of these very compact pumps is a KNF structured diaphragm. This patented diaphragm was stress-optimized
using the Finite Elements method. As a result, we were able to make the pumps smaller while increasing the service life of the diaphragm.
The pumps are available in various versions differing in the materials which contact the media. (lebih…)

MMM : Oven Venticell

mmm Venticell
MMM : Oven Venticell

Accurate and quick; alternative model meeting higher demands

The line VENTICELL, due to its patented system of forced air circulation, ensures a homogenous temperature profile for all drying and heating processes. A higher quickness and preciseness of all tempering processes guarantee an economical operation. These units are suitable especially for materials with high humidity. (lebih…)