Satu lagi moisture analyzer kita jual adalah moistyre analyzer merek Shimadzu type MOC63u. banyak moisture analyzer dipasaran dengan harga yang relatif mahal, kali ini Shimadzu MOC63u ini tampil dengan harga bersaing, kalau boleh dibilang harga murah tapi performanya tidak kalah dengan type lain diatasnya.
Teknologi yang digunakan adlah teknologi Unibloc dari Shimadzu, dengan keunggulan selain mudah dgunakan, adalah cepat dan akurat mendapatkan hasilnya. Type MOC63u ini banyak digunakan dalam industri minuman makanan, kimia, dan farmasi dan kosmetik, plastik, automotif dll.
Berkapasitas 60 gr akurasi 0,001gr, menggunakan sample pan berukuran diameter 95mm, dapat terkoneksi dengan perangkat komputer atau laptop, serta printer. pemanas menggunakan lampu halogen yang dapat mencapai suhu maksimal 200 C
Alat laboratorium Moisture analyzer atau alat pengukur kandungan air dapat digunakan pada sampel-sampel tersebut dibawah ini :
Dog food, Table salt, Instant coffee, Coffee beans (raw), Coffee beans (roasted), Green tea, Corn starch, Sugar (granulated sugar), White rice, Mayonnaise, Orange juice, Milk, Chocolate, Rolled oats, Tomato ketchup, Frozen sweets, Dried mangoes, Palm oil, Hand soap, Lipstick, Plastic (PMMA pellet), Photocopier paper, Sodium tartrate dihydrate, Detergent (powdered), Solid soap, Water-based paint, Sludge cake, Potting soil, Sawdust.
Jika anda ingin mencari moisture analyzer yang tingkat akurasinya tinggi, cepat memperoleh hasil, mudah digunakan, dapat terkoneksi ke komputer dan laptop, Shimadzu MOC63u ini adalah pilihannya.
silahkan kontak kami di daftar kontak di sebelah kiri bawah halaman ini.
The Shimadzu MOC63u Moisture Analyzer is a high-performance moisture analyzer designed for accurate and reliable determination of moisture content in various samples. The instrument is commonly used in research, quality control, and production applications, especially in industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals.
The Shimadzu MOC63u uses a halogen heating method combined with a high-precision weighing mechanism to accurately measure the moisture content in samples. The halogen lamp provides fast and uniform heating of the sample, while the balance measures the weight loss of the sample as the moisture is evaporated. The instrument features a temperature range of 30°C to 200°C, which can be adjusted in increments of 1°C, and has a maximum weighing capacity of 60 grams with a readability of 0.001 grams.
The MOC63u is equipped with a user-friendly interface that allows for easy operation, data entry, and storage. It also features a built-in library of methods for various sample types and allows for the creation and storage of custom methods. The instrument can display results in various units, such as percent moisture, dry weight, wet weight, and more.
The Shimadzu MOC63u is a highly reliable and accurate moisture analyzer that provides fast and efficient moisture analysis for various types of samples. It is easy to use, versatile, and has a range of features that make it an ideal choice for laboratories and industries that require precise moisture content measurements.
The Shimadzu MOC63u is a moisture analyzer designed for accurate and efficient determination of moisture content in various samples. Here are some of its specifications:
Measurement range: 0.001 to 100 g
Readability: 0.001 g (1 mg)
Repeatability: 0.02% (2 mg, 100 g sample)
Calibration: Internal and external calibration available
Display: LCD touch panel display with user-friendly interface
Temperature range: 30°C to 200°C (1°C increments)
Heating technology: Halogen moisture sensor
Results output: RS-232C interface, USB, Ethernet, and SD card
Memory: Up to 100 measurement programs can be stored
Dimensions: 220 mm (W) x 356 mm (D) x 181 mm (H)
Weight: Approximately 6 kg
The Shimadzu MOC63u moisture analyzer is equipped with advanced features such as a rapid heating system, automatic end-point determination, and a calibration function, which ensure accurate and reproducible results. Its user-friendly interface and multiple results output options make it easy to use and integrate into laboratory workflows.