IKA-Werke GmbH & Co. KG saat ini telah mengeluarkan suatu produk terbaru yaitu viscometer,
IKA-Werke GmbH & Co. KG saat ini telah mengeluarkan suatu produk terbaru yaitu viscometer, produk ini telah menjadi kompetitor terberat dari produk sejenis yang sudah ada di pasaran penentuan kekentalan suatu media, seperti Brookfield dll, mulai dari media paling cair (lo-vis) sampai paling kental (hi-vis). Selain lebih unggul dari ketelitiannya yakni sekitar 1% kesalahan, alat ini sudah dilengkapi fitur-fitur penunjang sehingga sangat mudah digunakan dengan tampilan layar 4,3″ TFT.
Produk viscometer ini dibagi menjadi 4 varian, yaitu secara berurutan sebagai berikut :
1. ROTAVISC lo-vi, (low) bekerja pada rentang Viscosity : 1 – 6,000,000 mPas
2. ROTAVISC me-vi, (medium) bekerja pada rentang Viscosity : 100 – 40,000,000 mPas
3. ROTAVISC hi-vi I, (high I) bekerja pada rentang Viscosity : 200 – 80,000,000 mPas
4. ROTAVISC hi-vi II, (high II) bekerja pada rentang Viscosity : 800 – 320,000,000 mPas
Untuk mengenal lebih lanjut dari produk viscometer ini silahkan kontak kami untuk minta kami presentasikan.
ROTAVISC lo-vi Complete
The new ROTAVISC series determines the viscosity of liquids in all areas of application ranging from the laboratory to quality control. The four devices measure in different viscosity ranges. Regardless of a simple or demanding viscosity measurement – the ROTAVISC delivers rapid and accurate results. The scope of delivery includes a standard spindle set ( SP1-SP4), a protective bracket, temperature sensor, quick connector, hook connector and ROTASTAND stand.
Easy to operate
The generous 4.3″ TFT display allows for an intuitive menu guidance. A digital spirit level also supports the correct set-up of the start-up condition. The simple ramp function simplifies repetitive tasks.
Highest measurement accuracy
The level of measurement accuracy of the ROTAVISC rotational viscometer for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids is +/- 1 % of the measuring range. The reproducibility is +/- 0.2 %.
Stepless speed
ROTAVISC is a viscometer, which offers stepless speed adjustment.
IKA Rotavisc lo-vi Complete
Viscosity measuring range: 1 – 6,000,000 mPas
Technical Data :
Viscosity Measuring Range [mPas] : 6000000
Viscosity Accuracy [%] : 1
Viscosity Repeatibility [%] : 0.2
Spring torque [mNm] : 0.0673
Guard rail : lo-vi
Measuring spindle series : lo-vi
Motor rating output [W] : 4.8
Overload protection : yes
Direction of rotation : right
Display : TFT
Speed display : TFT
Speed range [rpm] : 0.01 – 200
Setting accuracy speed [±rpm] : 0.01
Speed control : TFT
Torque display : yes
Torque measurement : trend
Timer : yes
Timer display : TFT
Time setting range [min] : 0.017 – 6000
Temperature measurement resolution [K] : 0.1
Working temperature display : TFT
Connection for ext. temperature sensor : PT 100
Graph function : yes
Operating mode : timer and continuous operation
Calibration option : yes
Touch function : yes
Pemitted density [kg/dm3] : 9999
Working temperature [°C] : -30 – 300
Fastening on stand : extension arm
Support rod diameter (with integrated fastening on stand) [mm] : 16
Telescope stand stroke [mm] : 200
Plug-in coupling (Ø) [mm] : 12
Basic container volume [ml] : 600
Stand : Rotastand
Stroke max. [mm] : 200
Diameter [mm] : 16
Dynamic load [kg] : 5
Dimensions (W x H x D) [mm] : 351 x 629 x 372
Weight [kg] : 7.1
Permissible ambient temperature [°C] : 5 – 40
Permissible relative humidity [%] : 50
Protection class according to DIN EN 60529 : IP 40
RS 232 interface : yes
USB interface : yes
Analog output : yes
Voltage [V] : 100 – 240
Frequency [Hz] : 50/60