Bomb Calorimeter, adalah suatu rangkaian alat instrument untuk mengukur besaran kalori dari suatu maretial, baik itu berupa cair maupun padatan, aplikasinya sangat luas seperti batubara, pakan ternak, farmasi, buah-buahan, buangan pabrik, petroleum, universities and research institutes, agriculture, biomass dal lain-lain.
Bomb Calorimeter IKA merupakan produk calorimeter yang mendominasi pasar calorimeter internasional, banyak negara sudah menggunakan Bomb Calorimeter IKA ini dan memberikan hasil yang sangat memuaskan, hal ini tidak terbantahkan lagi melihat dari produksi dan penjualan yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.
Dalam hal ini IKA memproduksi calorimeter dalam beberapa type susuai dengan kebutuhan para customer dan user. mulai dari type C1 yang terbaru, C6000, C3000, C200 dan C7000. semua disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer dan user. untuk aplikasi dan brosurnya silahkan di download link dibawah ini
Our new IKA® calorimeter C 1 represents a giant leap forward in the development of oxygen bomb calorimeters and sets a new standard for the future.
The C 1 calorimeter possesses a high degree of automation while maintaining the smallest footprint on the market, thus changing how calorimeters will be viewed and operated in the future.
The C 1 is a calorimeter with a static jacket. The analysis of the temperature readings is done through the well known correction calculation of classical isoperibol calorimeters according to Regnault Pfaundler. A light attachable combustion chamber has replaced the traditional heavy screw threaded decomposition vessel. The C 6000 global standards and C 6000 isoperibol calorimeters follow the traditional calorimetric approach similar to our globally approved C 5000 and C 2000 calorimeter models.
Each calorimeter can be operated through a user panel and with our dedicated calorimeter software Calwin C 6040. This software opens up further features in data handling with Microsoft SQL, XML, LIMS and correction calculations that follow many globally used calorimeter standards.
The C 6000 global standards oxygen bomb calorimeter combines modern technology, variability and automation (adiabatic, isoperibol; dynamic modes) in one instrument. It operates according to all bomb calorimeter standards, such as e.g. the DIN, ISO, ASTM, GOST and GB. The operator can choose between three different starting temperatures (22 ºC, 25 ºC, 30 ºC) in each measuring mode: adiabatic, isoperibol or dynamic.
Due to the spherically shaped decomposition vessel head, the wall thickness was able to be reduced, allowing for faster heat transfer which results in a shorter time measurement. Due to the variety of different interfaces (PC, Ethernet, SD-card, balance, printer) this unit is easily adaptable depending on the customer’s specific application needs. Further adaption to data management and LIMS is possible with our calorimeter software C 6040 Calwin (Accessory).
Automatic ignition
Automatic water filling and draining
Automatic oxygen filling, venting and flushing
RFID technology for automatic decomposition vessel identification
New design of the decomposition vessel allows for easier and faster sample preparation
Can be operated with a chiller
Easy and convenient touch screen operation
Control chart view and correction calculation of globally used standards
Ethernet interface for data management via FTP server or connection of a network printer
Removable SD-card allows for easier data measurement management, in addition to software updates
The C 6000 global standards Package 1/10 consists of:
C 6000 global standards
C 6010 Decomposition vessel, standard
RC 2 basic Cooling water supply